Exterior Cedar Siding Maintenance

Genuine cedar siding is going to require washing and stainingsealing or painting on a regular basis.
Exterior cedar siding maintenance. When properly maintained and cared for Hewns Exterior Cedar Siding is designed to last long into the future. Ideally you should try and keep moisture away from it which includes not having any plants or branches touching the siding which can be a. These natural elements slowly erode the finishes and as a result all finishes applied to cedar require regular cleaning and maintenance to.
Cedar Impressions offers 30 low-gloss colors the widest color selection in the industry ranging from deep. Cedar Impressions never needs painting making it virtually maintenance-free. Divide your house into 20-foot sections clean each section from bottom to top youll avoid those annoying drip marks and rinse before moving on.
As with all solid-wood siding a minor amount of regular maintenance can greatly extend the lifetime of the product and proper industry-standard procedure at the time of install can prevent many avoidable issues. The surfaces of finished Western Red Cedar decks siding and trim boards exposed outdoors inevitably become dirty and can also be discolored by mildew algae and moss. In the case of cracks apply appropriate sealant or paint.
Cedar siding is prone to dust and dirt accumulation just like other types of exterior siding. In refinishing painted or solid-color stained siding and trim removal of the old coating may be required. Tiny house cedar siding is a good choice if you want wood siding.
The biggest pitfall is its high maintenance needs. Although pressure washers are a great way of cleaning cedar siding they can be overwhelming for beginners. Cedar Siding Maintenance Tips.
If youve got mildew or rust stains heres what to do about them. Follow These Cedar Siding Maintenance Tips for Lasting Results. Your climate and landscape will determine how often these processes are required.